Tuesday, 7 April 2015


I'm in year 11.. my last year of school... This unfortunately means that my exams start very very soon. This thought actually terrifies me. My first exam in on the 5th of May and yet, instead of preparing for it, I am sat here writing this rubbish.

I am the queen of procrastination. I am amazingly good at putting off everything important, mainly revision. And instead of doing the important things I sit and worry about it. For example, I sit and worry about all the things that I won't be able to do in life if I don't pass all of my exams...

I told myself that starting this blog would be a good idea because it will help me with my English language GCSE... In my mock exam we had to write in the style of blog and I didn't really know what I was doing so I thought "Hey! Why don't I start my own one and I can get some practice!" So I have... And now its more than likely that I won't have to write in the style of a blog in my real exam because it came up in my mock exam... So in reality this blog is just another form of procrastination for me, its just another way of me getting out of doing any revision which makes me really stupid! I know I'll regret it later if I don't revise yet I'm still not doing anything about it. I don't understand my brain! 

I keep telling myself I don't need to revise because I passed all my mock exams with barely any revision. But that was probably just luck. I'm leading myself into a false sense of security and that really is not a good idea! Whhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....

I'm actually going in to school today for maths revision... It's for four hours so hopefully something good will come of it... Who knows eh? It's better than doing nothing right?

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